Tuesday, July 11, 2006


About the show itself...

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists had the power-trio thump of The Jam, the working-class humanity of The Jam, and twice the sense of fun of The Jam. Good stuff.

I want Broken Social Scene to play for two hours in my basement. (OK, I don’t actually have a basement, but you get the point...)

Belle and Sebastian struggled a bit with the venue.

Stuart Murdoch noted that he felt like they were playing to three disparate audiences at once: the Saturday-night dancers up front, the cinema folks in their seats, and the picnic crowd on the lawn.

As a result of this somewhat schizo setup, the group never really found the right pace. When they soared, they soared pretty high (If You’re Feeling Sinister, Sleep the Clock Around, I’m a Cuckoo), but when they were pedestrian, they were footsore...

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