Friday, April 29, 2011


So, uh, what have you been up to lately?

I confess I needed to take a bit of a breather after the events of March/April.

One thing that definitely helped was the Danielson show a couple of weekends ago at Red Palace in DC.

I'm an atheist with a devout Buddhist for a wife, so I wrestle with my attraction to Danielson. Their lyrics trade in Christian tropes that I'm familiar with from my childhood days in the Episcopal church.

But I don't think it's the message that resonates so much as the means.

The only part of church that I had any use for as a kid was the singing. I was literally a choirboy until my voice changed, and I always relished the spirit of raising voices together.

Red Palace was small, holding maybe 50-75 people in the performance space, and Danielson raised their voices for sure. The energy was unrelentingly positive but hardly saccharine, and they were an anodyne for what ailed me.

I queued up after the show to say hello to the band and thank them for the music, but the line was moving slowly and midnight was fast approaching, so I broke formation and left the club.

So let me say it here and now: Thanks Danielson, for a wonderful show!

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