Friday, March 11, 2011


So, Titus Andronicus and The Pogues...

brain coral and I were able to score our usual slots in the balcony, cozied up next to the rail. Nice to have something to lean on as the years go by...

I think we were both more excited to see Titus, and they did not disappoint.

They charged right into A More Perfect Union although the floor was only half full, and their energy never flagged. (They begged the indulgence of a slow moment once, to play No Future Part Three, which of course explodes at about the two-minute mark.)

They were pogo-worthy, although the guitarist seemed to think she was in a Dance Workout with Barbie VHS.

The Pogues were fairly predictable, which is not meant as a criticism. Circumstances pretty much dictate that they need to stay on script.

They did play a couple of songs that I have not heard them attempt previously on these 21st Century resurrection tours. Boat Train from Peace and Love sank in the docks-- Shane started on the second verse, which threw the band off for the remainder.

They fared better on London Girl from Poguetry in Motion, its somewhat tricky meter notwithstanding.

And of course they came on stage to Straight to Hell. Which reminded me that Joe Strummer is still dead.

But then the show kind of reminded me that he is not...

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