What's new with me beyond Tune-Yards?
Wait, sorry.
wHaT's NeW wItH mE bEyOnD tUnE-YaRdS?
Sweet of you to ask...
I like Tomboy well enough, but my mind starts to drift by around track 5. So, like Person Pitch, only less so (or more so, maybe).
I really like Moondance, but I've never met anyone I really like who really likes Moondance. Am I a self-hating Van man?
I decided long ago that my favorite coin ever is the 1908-1929 US half eagle. Nothing even comes close.
Hurry up with the 64GB iPhone, Apple. I'm tired of having to decide which albums/apps to sideline whenever I load up something new.
There's a good chance I'll never play the live set that came free with my copy of Tomboy. Apologies, Panda Bear.
I impulse bought the new Fleet Foxes a couple of weeks ago at Nordstrom while I was paying for a Chicago Cubs t-shirt. I'm not a Cubs fan, but I like their shirts. Not really a Fleet Foxes fan either-- haven't even unsealed the CD yet...
I scoffed when I saw that iTunes was going to be offering the Beatles Anthology set for $80. That's a lot of money for a lot of chaff. But then I saw that they're also going to sell something called Anthology Highlights for $13-- that's got potential.
I don't get Death Cab for Cutie. Never have.
Likewise The Shins.
And finally, this, from the Sept 1966 issue of Mad (which, yes, I was reading last weekend):
"...but I've never met anyone I really like who really likes Moondance." Sniff.
Um, excepting you, of course.
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