Saturday, November 17, 2012


So where was I? Oh yeah, Japan...

  • Fage yogurt is great and all, but not at $20 for a 35 ounce container. Sorry, Costco Japan...
  • On the other hand, Costco did have Mets Grapefruit soda in the garage vending machines, so points for that.
  • Here's the thing about me and karaoke: Conceptually, I am all in. You rent a private box, you order up some food and drinks (more melon soda for me, please), and you have access to a deep catalogue of songs, from both the East and the West. Hell, even my song choices were conceptually sound-- I started off with God Save the Queen (a la Lost in Translation), and followed that up with Surrender. I even tacked on the Budokan intro to Surrender (“This next one is the first song on our new album...”) for good measure. Where it all falls apart, though, is when I open my mouth to sing...
  • We drove from Chiba to Nagoya one Friday-- we left early enough in the morning that we breezed through Tokyo, and had the Rainbow Bridge to ourselves. I had aspirations of seeing Mt. Fuji along the way, but it was mostly obscured by clouds when we stopped for a rest near the Fuji River.
  • The Pacific Ocean was right outside my window for part of the drive to Nagoya. It was nice to see it up close, but I have still never touched it. I was going to ask if we could pull over just so I could stick a foot in...
  • We went to Taeko's childhood home in Seto, which is now empty and on the market. I hadn't been inside the house in 20 years, but I remembered every floorboard...

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