Thursday, July 21, 2005


This was wearing a rut in my brain today:

"You got your fuel lines/And a handful of ludes"

No earthly idea what put it in my brain, but it's a nice snippet of poetry. And just when I was thinking "Did you steal that from Iggy, you fucker?" I took a trip to the island of misheard lyrics, and saw that it's actually "cue lines" (queue lines?), which is definitely more Bowie style. Instead of being industrial cool and coolly abstract, it's more just antiseptic and abstruse. So I say again: fucker.

1974, REDUX

The Ramones knew it; Don Kirschner knew it; the little boys and girls of '74 knew it; I'm not sure if Bob McAllister knew it. "Saturday Night" was like a really sweet day at elementary school, where you started the morning by acing a spelling quiz, and closed out the day by stealing a kiss from the boy/girl of your wee heart's desire.

I had to call in some serious markers, but I negotiated a day off from Sunday school to watch the Rollers go all tartan on "Wonderama."

And it was clear that this stuff was becoming my church anyway...

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