Monday, November 14, 2005


Back from vacation, I’ll ease in by shooting some fish in a barrel.

There was an amusing story in the Washington Post this morning about today’s teens and their newfound love of Classic Rock.

Some kids from TJ HS started a club called the Classic Rock Appreciation Society, with no apparent indication that the resulting acronym is meant to be ironic…

Ian Anderson got wind of this and flamingo hopped his way over to the school when he was in town playing a supermarket opening. He regaled the children with some of his fluttery flutery, and told a minstrel’s tale. Yea, verily.

There’s a priceless quote in the story by one Charles Cross:

"But maybe the ultimate offense -- the new, best way to offend your parents -- is to listen to the music they were embarrassed to listen to. Like Jethro Tull.”

Crap, does this mean my kids are going to subject me to a steady diet of Stone Temple Pilots ten years from now? Because I assure you, that will really piss me off...

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