Thursday, May 04, 2006


Last night I needed to hear Room With a View by Let's Active.

I never picked up the CD pairing of Afoot and Cypress, and my cassette copy of Afoot, if indeed it still exists, is hugging the corner of some box that I haven't unpacked in at least a couple of moves.

The best that iTunes could offer was a version by Marti Jones from some tribute album populated by the likes of Failed Energy Giants and The Trolleyvox (yeah, me neither).

I dug up one or two Mitch Easter fansites, but no one seemed to have any media files on offer.

I took a slight right turn and headed to YouTube, thinking maybe I could at least see that Every Word Means No video with the puppy dogs. No dice.

Put on my trenchcoat and searched Morpheus as a last resort, and didn't get a single hit. Not even any similarly named porn...

In the end, my fix was a 29 second sample from Amazon.


1 comment:

brain coral said...

You know, a quick email to me could have done the trick...