Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Look, it's another one of those songs from the shower that today's kids love so much...


(2, 3, 4)

This is a song.
It’s two minutes and thirty-four seconds long.
It doesn’t have a chorus
A ton of love.

This is a song.
It’s two minutes and thirty-four seconds long.
It doesn’t have a chorus
A ton of love.

A ton of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a tunnel of love, a ton of love, a tunnel of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a tunnel of love, a tunnel of love, a tunnel of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a tunnel of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a ton of love, a tunnel of love, a tunnel of love, a ton of love, a tunnel of love, a ton of love, a tunnel of love, a ton of love, a tunnel of love, a ton of love...

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