Thursday, July 05, 2007


1. Venus, Bananarama
OK, this is the 'Rama at their soulless fembot worst. Shocking Blue says shame on you...

2. Purr, Sonic Youth
All the smart/dumb SY stuff the kids love so much. Smart being the noise, dumb being the words.

3. One More Time, The Clash
I'm looking out of the corner of my eye at a Casey Stengel baseball card from 1962 that's sitting on my desk. We still miss you, Joe Strummer...

4. Washington, D.C., The Magnetic Fields
This was our theme song when we were considering our move from NY to the D.C. area. And I don't see how anyone could hear this and not move to D.C.

5. The Villain, Lieutenant Pigeon
As if the name Lieutenant Pigeon was not cool enough, they were actually an offshoot of another band: Snavely Makepeace. May the sun never set on you, 1970s Britain...

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