Friday, October 15, 2010


Taeko loves the taste of coffee, and I really like the way it smells. By reasonable extension, I think you can say that we both like coffee.

Brain Coral and I have a similar relationship when it comes to musical taste. He noted this the other day when he was discussing Everything in Between. His current favorite track is Chem Trails, and he suspected that mine might be something different.

And sure enough, so far I'm favoring the shimmery atmospherics of Katerpillar, and those weird In Utero guitar squalls on Fever Dreaming.

But by reasonable extension, I think you can say that we both like No Age...


tthrash said...

HKHWR also likes coffee. In fact, HKHWR likes coffee a lot. However, ST and HKHWR once discussed that HKHWR and BC had similar musical tastes, which really can't be the case if ST and BC do.

sliced tongue said...

You are correct: HKHWR and BC do not have similar taste in music. But perhaps you could grab a coffee together...

brain coral said...

I would have guessed "Positive Amputation", but "Katerpiller" doesn't surprise me. "Chem Trails" likely won't end up as my favorite in six months, but it'll do for now.