Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Sound-Dust is not ephemeral, which connotes something brief, fleeting, and wonderful. It is not even transient…

It is, rather, ephemera: something of little lasting value. And as is the wont of dust, it can even be a bit of an irritant.

However, the cover art is fascinating.

There is a dark green castle set against a bubblegum pink sky. The castle is being buffeted by curly white waves, and at the heart of the castle is a pink death’s head.

For once, Stereolab’s album art transcends the music within, instead of complementing it. And just to be clear, that’s not a good thing.

It’s too bad they couldn’t muster anything more trenchant than the half-steeped relativism of “Let live what must live, die what must die.”

It’s too bad they couldn’t make the music that really goes with that cover…

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