Friday, October 21, 2005


What keeps the Stereolab story interesting—what makes it more than “boy meets band, boy loves band, boy wanders from band’s clutches”—is the staggering amount of non-LP material the group has produced over the years.

I haven’t even touched on the other regular-issue discs predating MAQ, specifically Peng! (aborning) and Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements (coalescing), but I can’t think of a modern band that has released more high-quality music outside the confines of the traditional LP format. (If you’re listening to Push Barman to Open Old Wounds right now, I could bear an argument.)

Next week I’ll touch on some of the one-offs, flip-sides, comps, side projects, tour singles, and other assorted gewgaws and baubles that helped deepen my obsession…

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