Thursday, May 24, 2007


Episode 46, in which the iPod steadfastly refuses to play anything new, again.

1. Carry That Weight, The Beatles
It's weird to hear this on its own, and not as part of the Abbey Road side 2 suite. Several years ago I ran into one of my best friends at a National Wholesale Liquidators in the middle of the afternoon on a work day, and it feels kind of like that...

2. Promises, Promises, Naked Eyes
Best 80s synthpop duo? Blancmange had their moments for sure. I guess Soft Cell would have their supporters. These guys would only scrape the bottom of my top 10...

3. This Fire, Franz Ferdinand
Um, I'm very discouraged with this shuffle so far. My admiration for Jacqueline the other day was not meant to convey that I needed more FF in my life. I was just having a moment. Now cut the shit, iPod.

4. Torrey Canyon, Serge Gainsbourg
Mais oui, le iPod. Mais oui.

5. White Girl (single mix), X
“Yeah, Exene, if we just flatten it out a little bit, and punch up some of the harmonies, we're just bound to have a hit. Jinkers, I just know we will. And then everything will be technicolor swell.”

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