Wednesday, May 16, 2007


A midweek shuffle...

1. Subject to the Ladder, Broadcast
This struck me initially as a transitory song. Then I realized that most of the album is transitory. And that is its particular genius...

2. This Empty Place, Dionne Warwick
From the Bacharach/David songbook, before she went shitcracker psychic-friend crazy. Or maybe she was shitcracker crazy back then too-- it just didn't matter.

3. Goin' Out West, Tom Waits
I once had a theory that every other song on Bone Machine was great, like the Star Trek movies or Bret Saberhagen's career. But honestly, I couldn't tell you if this was one of the odd songs or one of the even songs...

4. Orgy of Bubastus, Add N to (X)
This sounds kind of like Devo's version of Satisfaction being covered by Heaven 17 in the Korova Milk Bar. Or Flight 505 being covered by the Mos Eisley Cantina Band. Whichever is the geekier reference...

5. In the Backseat, The Arcade Fire
Funeral helps define late 2004 for me, but I swear to jebus I've never, ever heard this song until now. And I don't mean that in the sense of “I've heard it 1,000 times, but now I'm really hearing it for the first time, man. I mean really hearing it, you know?” No, I mean I've just never heard it with my ears before...

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